Micro Museum is open daily 9 am - 10 PM for professional use and open to the public on Saturdays from 12-7pm $2 per person. Micro Museum also presents special events and festivals monthly,
go to Calendar for dates and more details and Box Office for ticket information. 

Micro Museum is located at 123 Smith Street in downtown Brooklyn NY. Conveniently located 2 blocks from the Bergen Street Station on "F" and "G" trains or the B75 bus, minutes from the Brooklyn Bridge and BAM. Micro Museum is between Dean and Pacific Streets. 

Just for fun Micro Museum offers a solar powered kinetic sculpture to the public, AC/DC WINDOW weather depending of course and free! AC/DC Window was invented in 1995 by resident artists William and Kathleen Laziza. This seasonal changing sculpture collects energy during the day and plays back at night until 10 PM. See Exhibit page for it's first offspring "Solar Roller.


This page is an Archive page for the Micro Museum. This page was in use from 2002 through 2007

Feel free to explore, Most of the links still work including the "Streaming Media" below. Click Here to return to the current Micromuseum Site. http://www.micromuseum.com

Click Here to visti our Old Archive Site PAWI.org The Opening Show in 2000 kicked off the new century with the 2nd Millennium Micro Museum Opening. The works from these performances were encoded and are still available on line. Click Here to see The streaming media clips from the kickoff celebrations.

Call anytime for information and appointment 
(718) 797-3116
Or contact us at



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