Directions to Micro Musuem

MIcro Museum is located in Boerum Hill near Downtown at 123 Smith Street.

By Subway:
Take the F or the G to Bergen Street Station in Brooklkyn
When you get off the train, walk in the direction of traffic on Smith Street
Micro Museum is at 123 Smith on the right in the middle of the block between Dean and Pacific

By Bus:
Take the B65 or B75 to Smith and Dean.
When you get off the bus, walk in the direction of traffic on Smith Street
Micro Museum is at 123 Smith on the right in the middle of the block between Dean and Pacific

Driving Directions:
From Manhattan
Take the Brooklyn Bridge,
Stay straight when you come off the bridge onto Adams Avenue.
Adams Turns into Boerum Place at Fulton Mall dogleg right
Keep going straight on Boerum Place, Cross Atlantic Avenue & Pacific Street
Make a Left on Dean
Make a Left on Smith
Micro Museum is at 123 Smith in the middle of the block on the right

From North
Take I278 the BQE southbound to Tillery Exit in Brooklyn
You will come off the ramp onto Tillery, stay srtaight
Cross Flatbush, Cross Jay, Make a Left onto Adams at the Brooklyn Bridge
Adams Turns into Boerum Place at Fulton Mall dogleg right
Keep going straight on Boerum Place, Cross Atlantic Avenue & Pacific Street
Make a Left on Dean
Make a Left on Smith
Micro Museum is at 123 Smith in the middle of the block on the right

From South
Take I278 the BQE Northbound to Atlantic Avenue Exit in Brooklyn.
Make a Right onto Atlantic Avenue
Go Straight cross Court Street
Make a Right onto Boerum Place cross Pacific
Make a Left on Dean
Make a Left on Smith
Micro Museum is at 123 Smith in the middle of the block on the right

From the East
1- Take Atkantic Avenue to Boerum Plance (between Smith and Court)
Make a Left onto Boerum Place cross Pacific
Make a Left on Dean
Make a Left on Smith
Micro Museum is at 123 Smith in the middle of the block on the right

2- Coming from Park Slope or 4th Avevnue
Turn onto 3rd Street.
Go Straight past 3rd Avenue and over the Gowanus Canal to Smith Street
Make a Right onto Smith Street and drive in the direction of traffic
Keep going straight less than 20 blocks
Micro Museum is at 123 Smith on the right in the middle of the block between Dean and Pacific




site created by High Bridge Hill