The Micro Museum is an interactive exhibition that bridges art and technology, creating contemporary art. It features the work of interdisciplinary artists: William and Kathleen Laziza. The Micro Museum is sponsored by Promote Art Works, Inc. - a community art organization making public art for people of all ages and abilities.
The Micro Museum invites the viewing public to enjoy new ways of looking at art and science. We have designed the AC/DC Window which is a time based - solar responsive - kinetic sculpture, daily operational during sunny weather conditions, or nightly as an electrified kinetic exhibit from 5 - 9:45 pm, offered 7 days until June 1998.
Additionally, The Micro Museum inside exhibit has a variety of sound actived art, a light show that demonstrates the physical properties of light and movement, plus two avant garde videodances that are family friendly.
Call (718) 797-3116 for private party rates, reservations and information. Catering is available for additional fee. Groups limited to 25. Children's parties limited to 15.