
Micro Museum is thrilled to have relationships with all of our client performers, clowns, musicians, dancers, actors, teachers, students, videomakers, and media/cyber artists. We want to share with you some of our numbers for 2003.

1 The 7th Annual International "Not Still Art Festival" brought tourists with families<
2 Corporate contributors (the first since 9-11) Health Plus and Zip Car
2 Grants: NYC Cultural Affairs, Independence Community Foundation,
3 Street fairs including fairies and freaks at the Village Halloween Parade
9 Continuous classes or special educational workshops
11 Community groups celebrated, organized or strategized here
12 Video programs recorded and edited for the Spontaneous Combustion series
18 Professional art exhibitors with artists from around the corner and the world
20 Significant press mentions, photos, including 3 tv broadcasts
26 Live performing arts concerts open to the public
28 Art sales with 4 artists making sales for the first time
78 Established and emerging choreographers and directors served
120 Student art exhibitors got their first public display and opening reception
400 Grammar school students involved in classes and concerts
600 Performing artists who assisted 78 choreographers in their mission
1,000 Walk-in visitors from the Tri-State area or beyond

3,000 Art and science projects created in Brooklyn public park- summer program
12,000 Estimated Spontaneous Combustion viewers for monthly program on BCAT
15,000 Annual web viewers, received 3 private bookings for special events

You do the math!

Nevertheless for 2004 we have even more to share. Please consider dropping in for one of our art openings or attend a class with a talented teacher. If you need more help with finding out about our programs do not hesitate to call (718) 797-3116. We love to talk with you!

Also don't forget we are open every Saturday from 12 - 6 PM Hope to see you then!




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