Micro Museum - 123 Smith St Brooklyn NY 11201

Driving Directions - Click on Maps for larger image.
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To get to 123 Smith Street by car.

From Manhattan, take the Brooklyn Bridge.

Stay to the left going over the Brooklyn Bridge to get past people exiting on BQE.  After their exit get in right lane to go straight.  You are on Adams Street.  Pass the Court Houses and the Fulton Mall.  The street turns a bit, you are on Boerum place.   In a few blocks you are at Atlantic Avenue.  Go Straight onto Boerum Place.  Cross Pacific Street.  Make a left on Dean Street then another left on Smith.  123 Smith is on the Right at the Hydrant.  Micro Museum has large flags.

From Manhattan, take the Manhattan Bridge

Either the Center or Upper deck is OK.  Upper Deck has a better view.  Stay Right over Bridge.  Make Right Turn onto Tillery.  Make Left Turn onto Adams.  Pass the Court Houses and the Fulton Mall.  The street turns a bit, you are on Boerum place.   In a few blocks you are at Atlantic Avenue.  Go Straight onto Boerum Place.  Cross Pacific Street.  Make a left on Dean Street then another left on Smith.  123 Smith is on the Right at the Hydrant.  Micro Museum has large flags.

From North take Brooklyn Queens Expressway (BQE) - 278 West towards the Verazanno Narrows Bridge -

 Take Tillery Street Exit.  Stay in the center lane to avoid people turning onto Flatbush and Manhattan Bridge.  Go Straight, Cross Flatbush and Jay Streets.  Make Left onto Adams.    Pass the Court Houses and the Fulton Mall.  The street turns a bit, you are on Boerum place.   In a few blocks you are at Atlantic Avenue.  Go Straight onto Boerum Place.  Cross Pacific Street.  Make a left on Dean Street then another left on Smith.  123 Smith is on the Right at the Hydrant.  Micro Museum has large flags.

From South take 278 East the BQE - Brooklyn Queens Expressway

Go North on BQE 278 East to Atlantic Avenue Exit - 27.   Make Right onto Atlantic Avenue.  Go straight over hill to Boerum Place you will see a gas station on your right.  Make Right onto Boerum Place.  Cross Pacific Street.  Make a left on Dean Street then another left on Smith.  123 Smith is on the Right at the Hydrant.  Micro Museum has large flags.


Need more help? Call us at 718 - 797 - 3116