Immediate Release 3/25/08 ----- Call Kathleen or Marie for details
(718) 797-3116
ExhibitÕs Public Hours are Every Saturdays 12 – 7 PM $2 per person
March 29 – May 17 (Opening Party on March 29 at 8 PM - $10 or $5 students)
as part of the museumÕs 2008 – 2010 BIG IDEAS
Micro Museum 123 Smith Street Brooklyn (F & G Trains to Bergen Street)
Image by
Artist --- Catalina Viejo Lopez De Roda
Museum presents The Teeny Tiny Show, as a part of their BIG IDEAS series. It opens on March 29 (with a party at 8
PM, with live music by David Goldman $10 at the door) and is on display until
May 17. Public hours are Saturdays
from 12 – 7 PM --- there is a $2 entry fee. Founding Artists, William and Kathleen Laziza invite the
public to an ÒInstant ReceptionÓ tea every Saturday from 5 – 7 PM for
discussion about the art on display.
Micro Museum is located in Downtown Brooklyn -- less than 5 minutes from
the Brooklyn Bridge, or less than 2 blocks from F & G trains to Bergen at
123 Smith Street between Dean and Pacific Streets. Viewers are invited to vote for their favorite for a Best of
Show Award, which is announced May 17.
national open call brings over 20 emerging artists from 6
different states to Boerum Hill Brooklyn to highlight (very) small works in
painting, collage, drawing, video, photography, and sculpture. Curated by Kathleen Laziza to highlight
a facet of contemporary art that reflects size to the extreme.
THE TEENY TINY artists are: Patricia St. John Tager, Catalina Viejo, Tabitha Borges, Reet Das, Ted Somogyl, JD Siazon, Emily Gear, Katie Gately, James L. Weaver, Jsun Laliberte, Gary Duehr, Ali Pate, Kathleen Jean Jacques, Matthew Kuber, Alexis K. Manheim, Nancy Sadler, Melissa Sawicki, William Lindsay, Danielle Thillet, Robert J. Melina, Loretta Angelica and Larry Joseph.
All visual
works are for sale. Micro Museum
is open for professional uses daily. Weekdays open 8 AM – 11 PM. Call for an appointment. (718)