January 15, 2013

Contact: Kathleen Laziza

(718) 797-3116

Micro Museum presents:


Living Work of Art by Kathleen Laziza


On March 31, 2013 from Noon - 3 PM

At The Easter Parade in NYC

Fifth Avenue from 49th to 57th Streets



Interdisciplinary Artist and Founder of 25 year old art institution, Micro Museum Kathleen Laziza is orchestrating a wearable art project called  ÒSpring FeverÓ as a part of NYCÕs Easter Parade. She is expecting 60 – 80 people to exhibit her art jackets and weave their way through the creative crowds of the Easter Parade. Her players are a mixture of NYC dancers, Micro Museum neighbors, musicians, painters, and creative industry types.  She has been building these jackets since 1994 and has exhibited them in many narrowcast situations (art openings, fashion shows etc..).  This is will the first time they will be exhibited in a public setting.   


The entire collection of 86 decorative jackets will be on display at the Micro Museum (XXV – OMG!)

Located at 123 Smith Street in Downtown Brooklyn

from March 10 – April 10

Sats 12 – 7 PM.

Admission $2.