For Immediate Release

 (718) 797-3116

Micro Museum¨ presents

"SPECTRUM: The Chakra Element"

Mixed Media Visual Art  ¥  April 7 - Dec 15, 2007

Open to the Public Every Saturdays 12 - 7 PM --- $2 p/p

Monthly Color Party 6 - 10 PM with entertainment at 8 PM Admission $10

123 Smith Street between Dean and Pacific Sts. (F/G to Bergen)


In 2007 Micro Museum will launch its second nationally juried exhibition series entitled "SPECTRUM: The Chakra Element" with continuous monthly exhibits/happenings that will culminate in a selected ÒBEST OF SHOWÓ review on November 3rd – Micro MuseumÕs 21st Birthday from 6-10PM at 123 Smith street.  Exhibitions change monthly with all parties scheduled on the first date of each exhibit and will feature a total of 50 artists from 14 states. Weekly viewing every Saturdays 12 – 7 PM -- check webiste


RED ¥ April 7 - 28

Megan Burke

Bindu Chadaga

Nava Atlas

Mark Abrahamson

Stephen B. Henderson

Shu-Min T. Kaldis

Judy Polstra


ORANGE ¥ May 5 - 26

Cheryl Safren

Kenya T. Mitchell

Melissa Sawicki

Annamarie Vitek

Sabrina Tilikevich

Zanetka K. Gawronski

Carol Beth


YELLOW ¥ June 2 - 23

Don Gurewitz

Barbara Hoffman

Aline Kessler

Frank Hoeffler

Kris Cahill

Edi Dowie


GREEN ¥ July 14 - 28

Aimee Hertog

Sam Albright

Alegra Cerrato

Charlotte Burgmans

Chun Hui Pak



BLUE ¥ August 4 - 28

Rhona Schonwald

Debra Friedkin


Kelly A. Kehs

T.H. Martland

Derek Leka

Margaret Ann-Clemente

Salvatore Scrivo


INDIGO ¥ September 8 – 29

Murray Hidary

Cheryl Safren

Nina Ozbey

Caitlin Edgar

Marlene Struss

Jene Youtt


VIOLET ¥ October 6 – 27

Todd Williamson

Ione Citrin

Willow LaLand-Yeilding

Mark Wojcik

Thomas Heinz

Michael J Carr


RAINBOW  ¥ November 3 – December 15

William and Kathleen Laziza in

MIXOLOGY and 7 selected








About Micro Museum


Founded in 1986, Micro Museum is a not-for-profit art center with a mission

to support and exhibit both emerging and established independent artists in a collaborative

environment conducive to interdisciplinary activity.  There is a permanent collection of

cyber-art constructed and programmed by co-founders, Kathleen and William Laziza. 

The museum is conveniently located at 123 Smith Street in downtown Brooklyn and gained

control of the ground floor space in 2002, thereby doubling its capacity.  A creative hub to

hundreds of working performing artists and students, the museum also houses a performance

/video-art archive of hundreds of tapes, as well as the 78 RPM record collection from the

MET.  Micro Museum represents a rarified community art institution in NYC, unencumbered

 with Òred-tapeÓ and therefore inspiring uncatogorical and spontaneous art for 21 years on

Smith Street.  Always expect the unexpected at Micro Museum!


The museum is open to the public every Saturday between 12-7PM, year-round.  Or by

booking an appointment anytime (718) 797-3116. There are impromptu, one-evening

exhibits of drawing, painting, printmaking, and collage by guest artists though "Open

Walls" on select Saturdays with an ÒInstant ReceptionÓ from 5-7PM.  Furthermore,

 the museum produces a broadcast TV program featuring new and unknown artists called

ÒSpontaneous Combustion" airing monthly on Brooklyn Community Access Television

since 1994. Additionally in 2005 Micro Museum initiated a collaborative enterprise as the

 Brooklyn Cultural Circuit to promote tourism locally with 10 other outstanding partners.


Directions: F/G Trains to Bergen Street, B65/B75 to Dean/Smith Streets

BQE to Atlantic Ave. or drive over Brooklyn Bridge on Adams to Dean Street

Meter parking on Smith St. or Municipal parking at Court St./Atlantic Ave.


Hi-Res electronic images available upon request (718) 797-3116

Or contact


