For Immediate Release

Contact: Kathleen Laziza (718) 797-3116

December 1, 2012


Micro Museum is in the middle of XXV – OMG!

Now running Saturdays 12 – 7 PM until December 2014 ($2)

The Lazizas are adding new works and expanding old concepts during

Their 1st ever completely solo interdisciplinary exhibit.



Through December 31, 2013


Videoart Installation by Kathleen and William Laziza

Featuring William LazizaÕs Video Heaven

@123 Smith Street 11201

Evening projections at approx 5 – 10 PM



About Micro Museum:

       This legendary art center serves as a non-for-profit art museum and working environment for emerging artists for over 25 years. Kathleen and William Laziza are the founding artists and featured artists in XXV – OMG! Some of their notable works include interactive installations such as ÒTransformÓ, ÒPhone-i-tureÓ and ÒThe Evil Laughing ClownsÓ.  Comedians, dancers, and musicians all use Micro Museum facilities to bring innovative art to locations around the corner or around the world.



          ÒVideo HeavenÓ is a video art work created by William Laziza. This collection of analog abstract imagery will hypnotize you because it is universally appealing. This creative exhibit by the Laziza team is visible from the sidewalk to the public from 5-10 pm.



            Conveniently located in Downtown Brooklyn as a part of the beautiful neighborhood in Boerum Hill at 123 Smith Street between Dean and Pacific Streets. Visitors can travel by F & G trains on Bergen Street or B75 & B65 buses to Dean street. 


High and low res images available upon request