For Immediate Release
Call Kathleen for details
(718) 797-3116
Micro MuseumÕs XXV – OMG!
ABOVE & BEYOND 2010 –2014
Evolving Exhibition by Founders: Kathleen Laziza
and William Laziza,
Saturdays 12-7 PM ($2)
Weekdays group tours
by appointment at
123 Smith Street
Boerum Hill, Brooklyn NYC
photo by Jane Barber
ÒMIXOLOGYÓ photo by Mrs. O Photography, Kari Otero
photo by Allison Twyford
Promote Art Works, Inc is hosting the Founding Artists of
Micro Museum in their first completely solo exhibition at their grassroots art
center after 25 years of being a magnet for family-friendly cultural tourism
and neighborhood economic development.
Interdisciplinary artist Kathleen Laziza opened her ÒSmall venue BIG
ARTÓ facility for hundreds of collaborating artists as they developed their
skills for larger venues around the world or around the corner. Along with partner, William Laziza,
they are exhibiting their evocative human powered interactive art works:
VIDEOGRAPH as well as 50 additional paintings, installations, wearable art
pieces, video works, assemblages.
This evolving show is subtlety changing; new works will
appear every few months. These new
works will either be premiere art pieces or various perennial favorites like
THE BIG CHAIR, THE SPRING FEVER COLLECTION and others. Check for ever-changing
details. Curious seekers can visit Micro MuseumÕs YouTube Channel plus other
social networks on Facebook, Word Press, Twitter, Flickr etcÉ Known for an old school vibe with
innovative methods, Micro Museum will customize guided tours of the facilities
with the principle artists for educational, entertainment or art shopping
purposes during the week. Check for details.
Micro Museum is centrally located less than 2 Blocks from
the F & G trains, and on the B 75 & B 65 bus lines. MM¨ is between Dean and Pacific
Streets. Meter and municipal parking are close-by.
Contact Kathleen at
or call daily from 12 – 7 PM @ (718) 797-3116