2:00 PM Saturday April 29, 2000
International Screening
Light Painting 5:48
Alex Potts
Phases 4:25
Marcus Young
The Altan Sand Counting Laboratory 5:48
Alison Cornyn
On the Presence of Water 9:20
Bret Battey
Some Like It Without Sugar 3:17
Andrej Gargarin (alias Andrej Velikanov and Julia Velikanova)
VideoRenga: Haiku Poems for Pitsfield 6:00
N.K. Lean Young
Fantasy Apparition (excerpt) 5:05
Eleanor Harwood, Loren Chasse
64 Seconds in Georgia 7:35
William Brown
Bitstreaming 4:49
Patrick Lichty
Bringing in the New Year at Kutia Vali 3:00
Leith Murgai
Matrix Variant I 4:25
Stephan Larson
Photocopy Movie 2:42 2:42
Eric Prykowski
Waiting at the Foot of the Avanlanche 5:00
Erin Seymour
The Wobble Dobble Series 4:00
John Knecht
Eliminating Process (excerpt) 3:00
Walter Wright, Maria Zipperspy
bin10sex 1:30
Jose Carlos Casado
Realativity 4:21
Carol Goss
Video for Your Head (excerpt) 2:35
Emile (Dr. T) Tobenfeld
Phoenix Crossing 9:30
Robert Drummond
Language Sign Duality is Asymmetrical 3:00
Andrej Velikanov, Julia Velikanova
Schwarzchild 13:14
3D Video Presentation with glasses
Andrew Lyons
123 Smith Street, Brooklyn, NY
(718) 797-3116 DIRECTIONS
(the Bergen Street Station on the F train)
Day Pass: $15. in advance, $20. at the door
The NOT STILL ART FESTIVAL was created in 1996 to celebrate abstract and non-narrative electronic motion imaging and its relationship to music and sound. The visual uniqueness of the electronic medium is a determining aesthetic element in work screened at the Festival. |
"These passionate [abstract] compositions are not limited to the
purely visual celebration of what pleases the eyes. They reach beyond the
world of the senses to symbolize the forces that activate life and the
physical world with all their overwhelming complexity." from
Rudolf Arnheim's essay "What Became of Abstraction?", p. 22, To The
Rescue of Art U. of CA Press, 1992. HR
Copyright Not Still Art 1996 All Rights Reserved.