"The Lumiano" is a prepared piano that is set up to illuminate any music played. Each of the 88 keys are individually connected to separate lights which are visible to both the performer and the audience. The lights are arranged in bent 12 tone scales. In addition to the key lights there are 6 special pipe lights and 6 armatures that can be programmed by the artist prior to the performance. During the Micro Museum Opening in December, "The Lumiano" was played by a number of guest artists. Throughout Second Millennium Micro Museum exhibition period from January to June guided tours and additional performances are scheduled on Odd Sundays. Check "Next Public Event" for details.
In this year's Micro Museum Opening, "The Lumiano" was accompanied by the visual instruments shown and discussed below to create a Multiple Media Performance Experience for the audience. In addition to the beauty of the music and the portrayal of its note structure through "The Lumiano" images of the performance are mixed with images from other visual instruments to create Videokinesis. By watching and meditating on Videokinesis, the viewer is able to develop a heightened state of consciousness while maintaining purity in mind, body and soul.
Click on the image for a larger view.
"The Videograph" is able to generate continuously varying harmonic resonance designs which are output to video. These designs can be manipulated by the vidician to accompany a performance. The resulting image can be routed through video special effects generators (SEG) and image processors and shown live to the audience and performers.
"The Chromophone" is a percussion instrument that is connected to electronic transducers. The signals from the chromophone are aplied as Horizontal and Vertical signals to deflection coils that steer an electron beam. The resultant image from the beam which is generated as it strikes the phospor surface of the Cathode Ray Tube can be keyed over any video source by the SEG. The range of sounds available from "The Chromophone" varies from plucking and bowing of the strings to clanging and bouncing the chrome shapes.
"Great Auntie Mame" and "Superman" are components of "Invalid TV" a statement on the direction of technology showing that there are many paths not taken and many purposes still available for tehcnological reliics that were not intended by their original creators. Passively "Aunite Mame" and "Superman" observe their environment and show the participant the limits of their strained vision and magnetized display. Together in performance mode they can generate fascinating growing mandallas and other shapes. Due to the ease of manipulation of their degrees of freedom, they can be played in real time to generate visual accompaniment to performances.
Click on the image for a larger view.