Eric Devlin at Micro Museum
Open Walls
September 2, 2006

 Eric Delvin A Case of the Mondays Every Morning Greatest Hits Hand To Hand, Day By Dy
Have Mercy! Honors In Typing It's Last Call Somewhere... Nervous Teeth Samuel L. Vishnu
That Was A Doozy! The Command is RELAX The Dating Game The Electric Piano Zero- The Fool

Eric Devlin was born and raised in Boston, MA and recently moved to Queens. He studied at Massachusetts College of Art, majoring in Illustration. Devlin takes a mixed media, fine arts approach to making illustrations. His work has been featured in publications such as the Boston Globe and the Weekly Dig and he has made images for bands the Dresden Dolls and Torn. You can see his work at Devlin also co-founded an independent comic book company, Acronym Comics, which can be visited at