Micro Museum Presents Asia Ingalls

For more info see - www.asiaingalls.com
April 8, 2006
 Asia Ingalls
Etuption Fragments Minty Green Spiral Opus 1 Opus 2
Opus 3 Pray Opus 4 Surfer Girl Opus 5
Exhibition 1 Exhibition 4 Exhibition 2 Exhibition 5 Exhibition 3

Artist Statement

I paint in search of the ultimate energy that is the life force of the universe. I pack the space with squares. The squares are stacked, layered, weaved together to become a quilt work of texture and color creating a non-sequential grid, a net, a squeezing and flattening of space and time.

The carved lines indicate the movement through space suggesting a labyrinth. I dig out deep squares in the painting. I inset photographs into the cove and fill it with resin to create pools of color and recessed images that begin to appear, as one gets closer to the painting.

The colors are high key, energetic and make the painting bounce and vibrate; I use a lemony yellow and let it slide into bright sunset colors. I use blue turquoise and greens reminding me of a swimming pool, a glacier or a lake that twinkles with sunlight.

The weaving of squares of color and line combined transform the flat canvas into a field of animated pixels of energy.