Anthony SantellaFor more info see - anthonysantella.comOpen Walls 3/11/06 |
I have a broad interest in the arts that spans a number of traditional media as well as research and development in digital imagery. I have painted and sculpted from an early age and consider myself primarily self-taught. As an undergraduate at New York University I studied computer science as well as painting, drawing and sculpture. I also took courses in painting and sculpture at the New York Art Students League. In 2005 I completed a PhD at Rutgers University in computer science. My thesis work applied cognitive principles and artistic practice to imbue computer generated imagery with the carefully controlled abstraction and communicative clarity of fine art. Results of this work have appeared in several publications and were selected for the cover of the 2002 SIGGRAPH proceedings (the largest conference in computer graphics).
My research and fine art work is spanned by a concern for visual clarity in pursuit of meaning. It is important to me that every work suggests an ongoing narrative, a story told carefully, but only half told, that the viewer must complete. These stories speak of the spiritual in a modern context and explore the central question of how to finding meaning in dreams and visions while staying involved and in love with the people and reality that so often seem to betray those dreams.
In expressing these themes I've explored a number of mediums, including sculpture in bronze, stone and wood, but am primarily a painter in oils and watercolor. Working in several media, I am interested inhow choice of media and style can enhance the narrative possibilities of an image. Historical religious art is a visual and thematic inspiration for me. Fascinated by traditional themes, I enjoy contrasting these with the styles of comics and illustration art. Stylistically as well as thematically I have also been influenced by the Pre-Raphaelites and British Symbolists. I want to bring historical and religious themes into modern visual language, representing traditional figures in modern dress and visual styles, making these events and characters current in a way that is itself historical, harkening back to medieval religious art that depicted biblical events in then contemporary dress.