Amanda Spadaccini at Micro Museum
Open Walls
September 9, 2006

 Amamda Gallery 1 Gallery 2 Gallery 3 Opus 01
Opus 02 Opus 03 Opus 04 Opus 05 Opus 06
Opus 07 Opus 08 Opus 09 Opus 10 Opus 11
Opus 12 Opus 13 Opus 14 Opus 15 Opus 16
Opus 17 Opus 18 Opus 19 Opus 20 Opus 21
Opus 22 Opus 23 Opus 24

I was born and raised in Great Barrington, Massachusetts and attended the University of Massachusetts and Simon’s Rock College. I am a self-taught artist and have been painting and drawing since my childhood. I’ve only recently started showing my work. Most of my art involves mixed media using paper, acrylic paint and technical drawings done on the artwork in pen/ink. My work is most often influenced by my science education and being raised in a family of builders and musicians. For further information, please see my website at