BLOSSOMs of hope:

a September 11th COMMEMORATIVE needlework project

For Immediate Release
January 26, 2003
Micro Museum
Elizabeth Rose Daly (718) 852-1788
Allison Twyford (718) 797-3116

Blossoms of Hope
Free Embroidery Lessons at Micro Museum
123 Smith Street Brooklyn
February 15, 22 and March 1 from 2 - 4 PM

Blossoms of Hope is a 9/11 commemorative canvass, inspired by the AIDS quilt and by the Daffodil Project. When complete, the canvass will be composed of 100 six- inch squares, each stitched in a floral motif. The free embroidery lessons and sewing circles will take place on three consecutive Saturdays February 15, 22, and March 1 from 2 - 4 PM in the exhibition area of the ground floor.

Project founder, Elizabeth Rose Daly, described Blossoms of Hope aims: "While our overall goal is to create a beautiful canvass that inspires hope, the manner in which it is created is also very important. For some participants, this has been a chance to develop their creative side. Through our sewing circles, community has been strengthened, as neighbors have been introduced to each other, and new family ties have been created: two sisters, four mothers and daughters, and one mother and son participated in our recent sewing circles."

To date, people in Florida, New Jersey and Maine, as well as New York City and State, have submitted squares, in a variety of styles from single flowers to bouquets, sewn in cross-stitch, embroidery, and appliqué. Organizers have hosted free embroidery lessons and sewing circles, using patterns based on drawings made especially for this project by Brooklyn artist Sheila Susskind. Anyone wishing to work on their own should contact Elizabeth Rose Daly at 718-852-1788, or e-mail her at

Free lessons are available to groups (senior centers, schools, youth groups, etc) or individuals who wish to participate in making this canvass. Project organizers are aiming for 100 people to take part, either by sewing squares, or by designing flowers which can then be rendered in needlework. Requirements for the squares are simple: Each square should be 6î x 6î on white Aida cloth The design should be no larger than 4î x 4î Do not finish the borders ñ this will be done when the canvass is put together Each square should contain one or several flowers of your choosing, in whatever color(s) you want. You can make realistic flowers or fantasy flowers Be creative and as decorative as you like

Micro Museum is an eccentric art center in Downtown Brooklyn that supports vision and discussion. The artists of Micro Museum pioneered Smith Street in 1986 and have been active supporters of community well being and global communication. The NY Times called Micro Museum "a high tech fun house" but it also serves as a vital environment for the exchange of ideas that promote innovation, energy and peace.

If you would like to chart the progress of Blossoms of Hope, you can now do it on their web site at

Micro MuseumÝÝ tel:Ý 718-797-3116;Ý e-mail:Ý

Elizabeth Rose DalyÝÝ tel:Ý 718-852-1788;Ý e-mail:Ý