BLOSSOMs of hope:

a September 11th COMMEMORATIVE needlework project


This project was inspired by the AIDS quilt and the Daffodil project (in which over a million daffodils and tulips were planted in parks around New York City to commemorate the fallen of September 11th.)


Blossoms of Hope will be a needlework canvas composed of 100 squares, each containing a stitched flower (needlepoint, embroidery, appliquÈ or cross-stitch). Ý


Even if you canít needlepoint, you can participate. ÝThis project will require people with a variety of skills ñ drawing and sewing as well as needleworking.


  1. If youíd like to make a square, below are some specifications to observe, so that the final canvass hangs properly:


  1. Use 6 inch square of white Aida cloth (use the count you feel comfortable with)
  2. The design can be no larger than 4 inches square.
  3. Each square should have a border 1 inch wide on all four sides.Ý Do not finish the borders - this will be done when the squares are sewn together.


For the design, make a flower ñ one or more ñ what ever type, what ever color(s) you want.Ý You can make realistic flowers, or fantasy flowers.Ý Be creative, and as decorative as you like.Ý The point is to make a beautiful canvass that inspires hope. Ý


Needleworkers of all skill levels are welcome to participate.

If you donít know how to cross-stitch, we can teach you.


  1. Other ways to participate


If you can

  1. design patterns that participants can use
  2. sew the sashing around the needleworked squares
  3. sew the squares together into the final canvass.
  4. share your needlework knowledge with others


you can make a vital contribution to Blossoms of Hope.


Take a look at our page on MicroMuseumís website:Ý


If you have any questions, call or e-mail me.Ý Thank you.


Elizabeth Rose DALYÝÝ tel:Ý 718-852-1788;Ý e-mail:Ý