William is my name
designs and patterns
are my game.
I am a man of many years living in NYC. Over my lifetime so far I have seen and done many things. This Blog is my summary of the main elements in my life. I am an Electrical Engineer and an Artist.
I have a number of Artworks that I am showing on this blog. There are works of Sculpture such as the AC/DC Window that has been an active work since 2000. Then there are Interactive Sculptures that allow a person to interact with the art as a performer in a creative experience. Some of the Interactive Sculptures are Video Installations that are designed to provide never ending designs through video and audio processing circuits. When the visuals are controlled and adapted to other elements of the performance, the result is Visual Music. I am continually developing this as a medium, making recordings with various artists and refining my instruments and skills.
Since the late Nineties I have been the Technical Director of Micro Museum. Micro Museum is a location and a website. Between 2002 and 2014 Micro Museum was open to the public in its ground floor location. I am working on two main elements of the museum and its history. I am making a Catalog of all of the major pieces that are still on display or boxed up for future displays. Mostly these works are works by Kathleen Laziza, Executive Director and me. Also, I am resurrecting various pages from the old Micro Museum website and developing an archive of the various artists and exhibitions, Spontaneous Combustion Videos etc.
In my career as an Electrical Engineer I have been involved in many projects and I have studied and worked in various disciplines. My Research and Information mainly lies around Radio and some key systems technologies. Solar Energy has been an important aspect of my life. I have been following developments, doing my own experiments and low tech improvisations. I am sharing some of my ideas and some of my history. After I graduated from College, I looked for jobs in Electrical Engineering but I was getting no where. My big break was getting hired by an engineering firm as a draftsman and then learning all I could about Microwave Radio a subject that was not part of my college curriculum. That led me to a 20 year career in Satellite Communications. But the whole time, I was interested in video and how television works and how to make video art. So I moved on to Streaming Media with Chyron and then eventually into the Television Engineering business with Pro Bel and then on to 13 years as principle Engineer for CUNY-TV. I am still following developments in Video Engineering that I plan to share.
I have a modest Library of a number of books. I am still reading and collecting new titles. Some of these I think are exceptional and I will be posting a few reviews of books that I find interesting.
My career as an Electrical Engineer got started with a number of early Computers and dealing with continues to be a part of my everyday life. I have lots of them now Macs, PCs, PI. In 2015 I replaced the interactive sculpture computers at Micro Museum with Raspberry Pi. These will be posts regarding the code and the boot instructions to accompany the descriptions of the Sculptures. In addition I have many general observations to share.
Ham Radio is a new development for me. In 2019 I joined a Ham Radio Club, got a radio, passed my test and I am now Amateur Extra AC2ZV. I will be blogging about various resources and my progress as a Ham…
My Cabin in Virginia is a secluded place up in the mountains near the Shenandoah National Park. These posts will be about various goings ons and elements of interest. For instance, I just put in 2 cameras and how will they last
Career and Personal Information are things about me that I don’t want to forget. Things from my childhood and education as well as all of my silly inventions that may or may not even be of use or practical once they are made.